Tuesday, 16 October 2007


are you the person i call if i want a murder?


Mel said...

Why yes...yes I am!

Gretta James said...

Ummmm no... no I am not!

Gretta x

Anonymous said...

you have a view to a kill?

coffeesnob said...

just been watching a spot of hitchcock lately (though not that film).

coffeesnob said...
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coffeesnob said...

m. ps. no quoting duran duran on this site. we have stiff editorial policy about that. strictly no new romantics.

Anonymous said...

so is new wave different to new romantic?

coffeesnob said...

yes, ra-ther.

coffeesnob said...

although by the time "octopussy" came out duran duran were no longer new romantic, but banal mainstream pop. but they were still duran duran and, hence, intolerable.

Anonymous said...

I thought new romantic was 'banal mainstream pop'... a rose by any other name