Tuesday, 13 May 2008

relationship frogger

one of the more curious dating phenoms are those people who, though clearly dissatisfied with their other halves, won't abandon ship until someone better comes along. and so they stick it out, joylessly, all the while scanning the horizon for something propitious. it's rather like the frog in frogger who won't cross the river unless there's another log or bunch of turtles to jump on. makes no sense to me. frogs can swim after all.


Citronella said...

I've read somewhere (you can safely bet a stupid feminine mag) that it usually takes about a year for a couple to go from not being interested in the relationship anymore to an actual separation.

It's a whole lot of time!

coffeesnob said...

sounds like a fun 12 months.

one thing we can be sure of: in almost every instance it is the woman who leaps off the sinking ship and swims for shore.

Gretta James said...

I believe in CS. You have life figured out almost completely and your analogys are perfect. I get it completely ;)

Gretta xx

coffeesnob said...

steady on. i'm just amused by those people who never seem to be single. i'm sure you know them. they go from relationship to relationship and never take a breather.

if i have life figured why can't i solve the cube?

Cath said...

I like the analogy to Frogger... are you a part-time psychologist/therapist? Although, it is my experience that men are usually more likely to not leave one relationship until another one comes along..... Men won't leave until there is another woman - women will leave for their own sanity.

coffeesnob said...

not crooked enough to call myself a therapist. i merely notice things and make unsolicited remarks.

plagiarism? foul! offside!