Tuesday, 8 May 2007

children know best

jesus was onto something when he said "suffer the little children". because children are right about so many things. like crocs. they're comfy. they come in bright, smiley colours - like wearing smarties on your feet.

it's a simple syllogism:

children like crocs
children are good
therefore crocs are good.

who can gainsay that?


Angel said...

I can.

They are bloody hideous.

Len said...

Yep angel, they are terrible.

B said...

I agree

although I must admit to wearing them at work I am a nurse and I need something that is comfortable and don't mind dropping any left over placenta on- crocs work just fine for that.

Anonymous said...

Okay I can't badmouth crocs anymore. A (kinda) coworker's daughter came in with him today. She drew me a picture. She was wearing pink crocs.

Anonymous said...

Are these shoes new??? how have i not heard of them until recently??? normally i would have noticed something so odd. x

~Angel~ said...


THAT is what you meant by "crocs" !! OMG! How could you think I ... ME ... Angel ... who adores 4" .. 5" heels ... Manolos ... Jimmy Choos ... ANYTHING Hot Sexy ... pump-like ... would ever .. in a million years wear that!!

Ok well maybe gardening ... if I was sure NO ONE would ever see me!


coffeesnob said...

i find this all this negativity rather wearying. but there is one compensation. i think i have the best collection of avatars (above) in all blogland.

Little sausage said...

Crocs rule.

Len said...

~coffeeboy: yep, I already thought that. there's a hell of a lot of female backs and butts up here!