Tuesday, 29 April 2008

circadian rhythms

or, as i prefer to call it, the grasmere divide. it describes two types of people: wordsworths and coleridges. wordsworths are early risers, of haleful habits, who (alas) tend to be of earnest (if not slightly pious) disposition. coleridges are unreliable, indulgers in opiates, inveterate stayers-up-late, sleepers-in, and of dissolute habits generally.

because i like to get up early i realise, to my chagrin, that i'm a wordsworth. this is not good. wordsworths are bores. coleridges are much better company: being more frivolous, better talkers, and entertaining carousers.

whether it's due to asperger's or simple selfishness i prefer to be up by six, when the world is unpeopled (like the london pictured in "composed upon westminster bridge") and the lemon-scented gums (pictured) are at their most fragrant; running on the beach and listening to classic fm; before the air is soupy with diesel fumes and the hub-bub of commerce has been turned up to "eleven".

evenings are good. but mornings are better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suppose I'm a Wordsworth in Coleridge's clothing. (minus opiates) --r,r