Tuesday 19 February 2008


had to replace a defective lightbulb in the microwave. a surprisingly complicated procedure which involved pulling the machine apart and delving in its innermost workings. of course there were the usual warnings against removing the outer case, authorising "service personnel only" and some blather about earthing the appliance first. pooh-pooh. the great thing about being male is that you never have to bother with warnings or danger notices of any kind. (that's girl stuff). one just carries on regardless. however, lately i've been watching the robert aldrich film noir "kiss me deadly" in which gaby rodgers opens a doomsday box, ignoring all warnings, with cataclysmic consequences. the correlation didn't escape me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How come I was warned about playing with electricity?

I'm assuming nothing is glowing in the dark.