Tuesday, 15 July 2008

goodbye to "east angular" and all that

after 8 cruel, neuron-busting years it looks like those zeros at channel 10 are finally pulling the plug on "big brother". i think hosanahs are in order. though i can't forget the collateral damage. in particular, how "bb" shattered the illusion that people are basically decent and moderately intelligent. on the evidence of those in "bb" captivity they're not. not by a long way. its only contribution to the culture is adding the phrase "turkey slap" to the lexicon. not much to show for 8 years work, is it? anyway, now that the queen bee of reality tv is gone, maybe all the others will likewise disappear. roll on that happy day.


Gretta James said...

It's come to my attention that you talk, refer to, and put pics up of.. Jade Goody a whole lot. You're kind of obsessed. I think you might secretly LURRVVEEE her ;)

Gretta x

Anonymous said...

They're FINALLY doing it?! Aaaaaaaaaah. I've not had fabulous news like that... huh. Ever.