Thursday, 15 November 2007

time to melt*

summer hurries on with indecent haste. pushy. the forecast for the next five days: 30°, 31°, 32°, 35°, 38°. i say again: who swiped melbourne's spring?

*title pinched from jello biafra's "lard".


Anonymous said...

Forecast for today and next five days: 5, 10, 10, 8, 5, 0. That's if we're lucky.

Stop whining.

Gretta James said...

cs You know I think you're sex on legs.... But please - it's gona hit -3 tonight, I could see my breath this evening, and man thankfully I am not going to work tomorrow so I'm not one of the unlucky sods who have to de-ice their windscreen but have some pity on us.. Oh yeah you hate us blah. I love you tho ;)

Gretta x

coffeesnob said...

ja. this blog is nothing but whining. it's what i do.

gx. i don't know where you're getting your information. who's to say i don't look like darts powerhouse andy fordham? yep, breathing is my exercise. pass the chips, love.

Anonymous said...

CS, you're sounding all embarrassed & shy-like.

coffeesnob said...

as it happens i was rather disappointed to see in the "daily mail" this morning that fordham had receded from his previously elephantine proportions. when before he looked like the ideal representative of the new "classless britain". apparently it was all that lager "wot done it".

Gretta James said...

Haha CS I don't want your for your body, it's all about your charm and wit ;)

Len said...

sex on legs? I need to remember that.