Sunday, 16 December 2007

stations of the cross country run: finale

12km mark. 6:06 a.m. stately burns manor. home of charles montgomery burns. ordinarily the view would be obscured by hundreds of pine trees. but in a fit of 'elf-n-safety madness they recently felled the lot—terrified a pinecone might conk someone on the head. crazy. and rather hard cheese for the nesting birds. but there it is. modern times, what?


Anonymous said...

Oh yes. the dangerous pine cones. although they are troublesome when you tuck one into your pocket because a three year old must must must have it for later only both forget and then it goes through the wash. now that's fun.

do they release the hounds when you run by? that would make it much more interesting.

coffeesnob said...

more a case of "release the cows".