Wednesday, 5 March 2008

15 weeks

to get into prime running form before the "run melbourne" 10k on june 22. the distance is a lark, but the training required to run flat out for 40 minutes is horrible. still, it beats "drinking for england" as the saying goes.


Little sausage said...

I run occasionally, but I detest it and tend to go only with the dogs. To run 10k out of choice? Definitely not my bag. But good luck and all that. At least it's not in the summmer!

Gretta James said...

I don't enjoy drinking for England.


Do I enjoy running.

So, how about a compromise, you run for England. ;)

Gretta x

coffeesnob said...

i like running. just not all that mucking about with lactate threshold.

gx. no sale.

Cath said...

"the distance is a lark"...!! For some of us that is a marathon. I am "in training" to do the short course at the Run for the Kids - it will not be pretty - and the fact that I have a choir concert the night before doesn't help!

coffeesnob said...

long course or short course, either way the kids will approve.

bad news. no scooters allowed.