Thursday, 12 April 2007

i was minding my business

some of the best stories never make the front page. some of the best stuff on foundfoundfound nests out of sight in my email inbox. here is ordinary girl's über-smart riposte to my "apology for self" post.

some of us prefer
our love lives bleak,
our clothes chic,
and our blogs unique.

it's the perfect critique. don't you think?


~Angel~ said...

Actually ... it is simply delightful ...

With exception the "bleak love lives" part.

That just made me smile .. then frown .. then smile again ..


Ordinary Girl said...

Why thank you! Although, you give me too much (undeserved) credit.

Oh, and lol at Smarty pants! Would much prefer to be called Clever Knickers. I am from the UK don't you know :-)