Monday 27 August 2007

cruel and unusual

did anyone see michael bolton slaughter the frank sinatra/nelson riddle arrangement of "that's life" on the dame edna show? at least edna made up for it by being incredibly rude about bolton's singing, such as it is (mischa barton and sigourney weaver, more accustomed to celebrity fawning, couldn't believe their ears). apparently bolton has a whole album of bowlderized sinatra ready to go. i guess it's up to that sweaty army of fat, ugly women who make up his fanbase whether the thing flies or not. personally, i didn't think anyone could sing the jazz standards worse than rod stewart. i was mistaken. anything rod can do bolton can do worse. it's like gerard manley hopkins said, "no worse—there is none".


Anonymous said...

michael is not worse than rod stewart. in fact he is better than sting

Anonymous said...

my ears started to bleed and i haven't even heard the song.

coffeesnob said...

anonymous is smart to keep her name dark. because if word got around who it was, at the next recess, we'd be lining up to pull her hair and give her wedgies.

and please don't call him "michael" like he's your friend or something.

Anonymous said...

You are a total arse!! No wonder you're still single at 30!! I bet you still live with your Mummy and Daddy dont you? And I bet she brought you up on singers like Max Bygraves and Bernard Breslaw?
Have you no shame??