Sunday 2 September 2007

best comment so far

to my michael bolton remarks:

"you are a total arse!! no wonder you're still single at 30!! i bet you still live with your mummy and daddy dont you? and i bet she brought you up on singers like max bygraves and bernard breslaw? have you no shame?? arse!!"

terrific stuff. unfortunately the author is anonymous, which rather spoils the fun. but is understandable under the circs. it must be a terrible secret to carry around being a michael bolton fan. how does she manage? what must her friends think?


Gretta James said...

I think I love you.

Gretta xx

a&v said...

Oh that is hilarious ...

coffeesnob said...

grex. are you going to fess up?

putting on my "pshychological profiler" hat i've ascertained that the aggrieved bolton fan is:
1. female (there is no such thing as a male bolton fan; men don't respond to his open-to-the-waist white shirts or his sad attempts at 'crooning').
2. english (use of arse, not ass; references to obscure minor celebs like bygraves & breslaw).

a&v. what's hilarious? the comment? or the possibility grex fancies me?

Gretta James said...

Haha seriously I am NOT a bolton fan!!! Sorry Dude. I'm not fessing to nout.

However, you sexy irritant come give me some coffeesnob loving haha.

Gretta x