Wednesday, 11 April 2007

casting call

there are lots of lovers:

avid lovers
reluctant their-heart's-not-in-it lovers
selfish my-pleasure-comes-first lovers
greedy you're-not-the-only-one-i-do-this-with lovers
demanding do-this-do-that lovers
sweet tender lovers
quiet you-wouldn't-know-what-they-felt lovers
noisy shrieking-overacting lovers
anything goes lovers
silly giggle-prone lovers (restored by reader's request)
temporary you'll-do-for-now lovers
relics-from-old-relationships lovers
perverse lovers
generous lovers
brooding lovers
dull unimaginative lovers
not-passionate-but-loving-and-dear lovers
shallow this-is-just-sex lovers.

the best lovers in the world aren't those who go go go all night and shake you awake in the morning wanting more. no.

the best lovers in the world are those who talk. talk about what's inside. and let us in. deep deep within. to a place rich and strange. to the secret centre of their hearts. and make us feel comfortable. and let us stay there. rent free. for as long as we like.


Anonymous said...

I'm some of these. I won't say though because that would spoil the mystery that is me.

But this was loverly.

Ordinary Girl said...

We are all some of those lovers some of the time, even most of the time, but the best only very very occasionally.

That last paragraph is beautiful. Truly!

~Angel~ said...

No ...
There is but One Lover ..
The one you actually LOVE.

Contemplative this evening,

Anonymous said...

yes some of those sound a little like me.... and a little like some people i know.
but i like this. it's beautiful

coffeesnob said...

glad everyone liked.

you all have terrific taste. obviously.

angel, i thought you were going to say "there is only one lover, the one who is with you at the time".

Little sausage said...

What a beautiful post. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
