Wednesday, 22 August 2007

when i was just a little goy

my parents took me
to the zoo.
i guess
i was lucky, really,
to have
a traditional zooish


Anonymous said...

loved this. "zooish upbringing". clever. very clever.

that said i love the zoo. one of my favorite places to go.

Gretta James said...

I think you're a bit of an animal ;)

Gretta x

bondibetty said...

That's too funny... I love zooish jokes...

Sorry about the lack of access - I think someone I know has been lurking on my page - till I work it out I'm going offline... I'll be back i PROMISE!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know quite what to say to that...

coffeesnob said...

hannah. 'sposed to be funny.