Wednesday, 26 September 2007

eh, what's that?

i often hear women say of men, by way of commendation, "he's a good listener". such small praise. anyone can listen (to paraphrase stephen sondheim). it's the good talkers who are few and far between.


Gretta James said...

I think you'll find women appreciate good listeners because they're the good talkers.

Gretta xx

coffeesnob said...

yes, women do talk a lot. and with all that practice you'd think get rather good at it. but i sometimes feel they're serving quantity, not quality. you just never know when a woman isn't suddenly going to lower the tone by mentioning angelina jolie, horoscopes, or the foods she's no longer letting herself eat.

Anonymous said...

you sound like you don't actuallly like women

coffeesnob said...

shh. that's our secret.

thankfully not every woman's mental outlook is delimited by mystic meg, "hello!" magazine, or "the skinny bitch diet".

i could include the tediously dopey stuff men talk about, but that would spoil the fun.

Anonymous said...

re: the men stuff.
Good point

Len said...

it's the good talkers who are few and far between.

So true. I mean, it's nice to have a good listener, but if he's not a good talker that halves the fun.